
Biyernes, Setyembre 28, 2012

Taking Care of Your iPad’s Battery

One of the most important parts of an iPad is the battery. Without it, your iPad will not work. However, most of the Apple tablet PC users do not know how to take care of it. For starters, some do not know how to charge an iPad properly. Nowadays, the best way to get rid of an iPad with a broken battery is to sell iPad online. To prevent your battery from going bad, here are some tips on taking care of your iPad’s battery.

Charging Your iPad Properly

Unlike the old gadgets that you have to let the battery run out before you charge it, you can now charge your iPad anytime you want. However, you have to keep some things in mind.

First, you must not leave your iPad charging for more than 100%. It is advisable that you unplug your iPad once it reaches 95%. Never overcharge your iPad because it will lessen the life span. Although technically you cannot overcharge an iPad because it has some sort of circuitry to stop the charging once it reaches full battery, it is still better not to exceed 100%.

Never let your battery go below 10%. It is advisable that once it reaches 20%, charge it. Using it until it shuts down on its own due to loss of battery charge is as bad as charging it for a very long time. However, charge your iPad once a month to full battery and deplete it to 0%. After that, charge as you usually do.

Follow those tips and I can assure you that you will be able to use your iPad in its full capacity. Once your battery dies, there is no more hope unless you sell the broken iPad.

Practical Tips

1.    In the “Settings,” make it a habit to turn off 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Location Services since they help in depleting your battery fast. Although the main purpose of having 3G is to stay connected to the Internet, it is better to just turn it on whenever you use it. Moreover, turn on the “Airplane Mode” to disable both Wi-Fi and 3G simultaneously. Also, your Location Services for apps such as Maps are rarely used, so it is advisable to turn it off in default.

How to turn off 3G:

  How to turn off Location Services:
How to turn off WiFi:How to turn off Bluetooth:

2.    It is also battery-depleting to be always notified. However, it is highly impractical to turn off notifications since notifications are important for updates. Just choose which apps you think need notifications, while turn off the notification settings of the other apps you do not need.

3.    The brightness of your screen also affects the battery charge of your iPad. It is best to turn on the Auto-Brightness option so that the brightness of your screen will depend on the light conditions of the surrounding. This is very effective in saving battery power.

4.    Have your iPad’s Auto-Lock turned on.

5.    Never let your iPad overheat. This will greatly (and negatively) affect the battery life of your iPad. Thoroughly overheating your iPad will result in shorter battery lifespan. Try to keep its temperature between 0º and 45º C. However, cold and altitude also play a role in ruining the battery. So, try not to let it cool very much.

6.    If you plan not to use your iPad and keep it in a box for a very long time, store your iPad under optimal battery condition. Before you turn it off, charge it up to 40-60%.

If you follow these tips, you will be able to save your tablet from any future damages. However, if it is too late to save your tablet PC, it is better to just sell it online at of where you can earn money from selling your broken iPad.

Linggo, Agosto 12, 2012

Is the New Nook a Fail on the New iPad?

Now that e-books are starting to take over regular books, you see a lot of people exchanging cash for iPad.  Publishers have taken note of this, which is why most books now are available online. People also prefer e-books nowadays because they are more affordable.  They are also more convenient to get since you just go online to buy and download your copy to your e-book reader.  Of course, you can carry thousands, even millions of e-books with you wherever you go.  That is definitely something you can’t do with traditional books.

There are a lot of e-book reader applications you can choose from if you do not have an actual e-book reader like the Nook or Kindle Fire. There are also browser-based readers, which do not need to be installed, and you can use any web browser you have on your tablet PC or laptop.  One popular example of this is the Calibre program, which allows you to build an e-book library on your PC or laptop. 

Another example is Nook for Web.  The great thing about it is that it allows the user access to the Nook digital bookstore as well as their personal libraries.  This would be a great way to enjoy your books on your tablet PC.  Although the Nook is primarily for the Barnes and Noble e-book reader of the same name, the app can actually be used (with some features disabled for non-US users) on other e-book readers and tablet PCs, including the iPad and Android devices.

However great the idea is, this web-based reader does not work at all with the iPad or the iPhone. There are some rules and policies created by Apple to police the development of its applications that disallows users to link to a digital bookstore aside from theirs.  This move will not allow you to purchase books within the Nook application.  By making their reader web-based, Nook is supposed to bypass the said policy.  However, for some strange reason the Nook does not work that way at all.  It always gets an error message that says that reading online requires a desktop browser.

This may have caused a number of loyal Nook users to threaten to sell iPad and just stick with their dedicated e-reader.  The thing is, for bibliophiles, having access to as many titles in an e-bookstore is of utmost importance, and as much as Apple can try, they are still a good number of titles away from retailers such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  Apple may not really feel this though, as these disgruntled users may just buy a Nook and keep their iPad at the same time.

There are no other reasons given in this matter as the application works well with web browsers used on Macs and PCs. So if you are thinking of exchanging cash foriPad and making it into an e-book reader, take note of this fact.

Martes, Marso 20, 2012

The New iPad vs. the iPad 3 Rumors (What Was True and What Wasn't) Part Two

The first part of this article tackled the widespread rumors on the iPad 3‘s display, screen size and name which were false for most of the part, except for the Retina display. In this article we‘re giving you a few more rumors that were circulating the web until the day before Apple‘s Special Event held in Los Angeles. PC Magazine published a roundup of the rumors that spilled about the next generation iPad when the invites from Apple Inc. came out. Here are a few more forecasts about the New iPad that are either true or false!

The Price

A few days before February ended people went crazy trying to find out where to sell iPad original and iPad 2 used units. This is because some rumors reported that the iPad 3 would be priced at the same rate as the iPad 2 and that the iPad 2 will probably be getting price cuts soon. There were also rumors of a pricier iPad 3 when Mac Rumors reported on a circulating photo that showed a pricing sheet that stated the iPad 3 16GB Wi-Fi 3G would be priced at $699 while the Wi-Fi only model indicated a $499 price which meant a $70 to $80 hike. Apparently, these rumors are true and false (respectively). While it is not true that the new iPad will be pricier, the reports about the new iPad landing the $499 pricing scale was true and it is also true that Apple cut about $100 on the iPad 2 pricing which is now available for $399.

The Processor and the LTE Technology

One of the epic rumors about the iPad 3 that pushed a lot of techie geeks to search for where to sell iPad original units was the purported A6 quad-core chip that would run the new iPad. This is apparently false, although it was partly true too. The processor chip isn‘t the A6 (rumor has it that A6 will be in iPhone 5 instead), it‘s the A5X. It has a quad-core graphics processor that is said to be 4x faster than NVIDIA and twice or three times faster than the previous A5 processor. There were also rumors of a 4G LTE Technology for the new iPad, and it turns out to be true! Finally, Apple has decided to upgrade the iPad‘s connectivity for faster web browsing! The bad news? There is a faster connection, but still no flash player.

The Camera

Everyone was sure about this; that Apple would put in a camera that would be better than iPad 2 because this was one of the major problems for the iPad 2. Rumors about an 8 megapixel rear camera and a 5 megapixel front camera spread around the web. Unfortunately, this is false. But Apple did heed the consumer‘s request to upgrade the camera by putting in a 5 megapixel rear end camera in place of the HD camera. They call it the iSight that has sensor backside illumination, white balance and face detection. For the video recording, Apple topped it with an HD capacity by packing in 1080p to make it more in sync with the new Apple TV product. The front camera meanwhile is still on VGA quality, which we‘re not sure is a good idea for FaceTime. Still, Apple did a good job of upgrading the things that matter. The market release is set for March 16th so mark your calendars, people!

>>Original Post [The New iPad vs. the iPad 3 Rumors (What Was True and What Wasn't) Part Two]
>>iPad Trade In
>> Sell iPad 16GB

Lunes, Marso 19, 2012

The New iPad vs. the iPad 3 Rumors (What Was True and What Wasn't) Part One

Since the release of the iPad 2, people have been craning their necks for news and rumors about what‘s next for the iPad series. Fortunately, some big-ass guy leaked information that we should “forget the iPad 2” because what we should look forward to is the iPad 3. From then on, various rumors have been circulating nonstop all over the web regarding Apple‘s nest baby; so much so that iPad original and iPad 2 users were moved to sell old iPad units in anticipation of the iPad 3. Well, surprise, surprise! There is no iPad 3! In this two part article, we‘ll be listing the rumors from different sources from a few months ago until the day before the announcement to see which are true and which are false.

The Name





An article in Gizmodo was quotedousted on March 1 saying that the third generation of iPads would not actually be called iPad 3 but iPad HD instead, since it seems like a perfect match for Apple‘s then-rumored Retina display for the iPad. This was based on a usage data monitoring from iOS, Blackberry OS and Android OS which shows that the term iPad HD has been recurring in their web analytics. This is false, and they‘re not the only ones surprised. While most tech sites are referring to the next iPad as the iPad 3, Apple released a new iPad named “The New iPad.” Hundreds of Twitterers and tech critics, writer and analysts went ballistic especially when Vice President for worldwide marketing, Phil Schiller said, “we don‘t like to be predictable” when the press asked them why they didn‘t change the name to iPad 3 or iPad HD. Is it unoriginal? Possibly. Will it work? A lot of people don‘t think so but we‘ll find out for sure.

The Display 

What people are ready to sell old iPad units for are the rumors of a Retina display working on an iPad. Leaked photos of supposed Retina display samples roamed the web for months saying that the iPad 3‘s screen would be sharper and smoother just like the iPhone 4. It turns out that this report was right. Apple did heed their consumers pleads to make the iPad more revolutionary by adding a huge number of resolutions on the screen, doubling the former iPad‘s screen resolutions and coming up with a 3.1 million pixels packed on a 9.7 inch screen (2048x1536 pixels). That‘s about 264 pixels per inch! At a normal distance, Apple reports that you will not be able to distinguish the pixels.

The Screen Size

There were plenty of rumors that iPad would be trying to compete with the Kindle Fire and the Blackberry Playbook by creating a much smaller iPad 3. A few days before the launch DigiTimes reports of new iPad prototypes that had a 7.85 inch screen were being delivered to Apple and that the production would start by the third quarter of the year. This, apparently, is so false. Despite the fact that Wall Street Journal had sources who confirmed that Apple was trying out smaller screens for the iPad, the New iPad still remains at the 9.7 inch screen size level, one thing we‘re sure would make Steve Jobs happy in his own heaven.

>> Original Post  [The New iPad vs. the iPad 3 Rumors (What Was True and What Wasn't) Part One]
>>  Trade In iPad
>> Sell iPad 16GB

Huwebes, Marso 8, 2012

Get Attention with Sell Used iPad Search Tag

If you have been in the market to sell your iPad but are getting nowhere, there are a few things you can do. There are several places you can sell the device. The only problem is there are others out there like you looking to sell. However, there are plenty of buyers and setting your iPad up so it stands out of the crowd can be your key to success. This one simple step will give you that edge over the competition, which is using the tag Sell Used iPad.

Attention in the Auction Pool

 This can be a great place to sell your device. Although, one quick search on any of the web-based auction sites will return hundreds if not thousands of iPads waiting for a new home. This will be no problem you for if you harness and maximize the power of keyword or search tags. Using a term like Sell Used iPad is a great way to get noticed. This is because the search engines will pick up on this phrase better than just using used iPad or just the word iPad. A potential buyer will enter in something like, ‘used iPad’ and your keyword will be sure to pop up in the query. This tag not only puts you directly in the list, it lets the buyers exactly what your product is and that you are a seller.

Attention on the Networking and Public Marketplaces

Tags and keywords are not only used for the online auctions websites, but are used in other applications as well, such as the networking and public marketplaces online. There are several to choose from and they all work in about the same manner. They are there for you to post items you have for sell. Therefore, here too the use of excellent keyword choice in important if you want to get noticed. The tag Sell Used iPad will identify your intentions on the site, the product and that it is used. There will be no question to the buyer if your item is what they are looking for.

Potential buyers tend to become frustrated when searching through the online ads. So if you have a tag that tells them they have found what they are looking for without having to go through several others, they will be more likely to purchase from you.

Attention at home

This can even work if you decide to just sell you iPad via posted flyers or newsprint ads. If you were looking to buy a used iPad wouldn’t a simple bold lettered flyer that reads Sell Used iPad catch your eye? Yes, of course it would and that is why it works. One, the interested party knows something is being sold. Two, it is used so that means a good deal in in their future. Then three, it is an iPad.

This is the same principal behind using the same tag in any print ads or classifieds ads. If given the option to use this as your header do so and be sure to use any enhancement options like bold or underline as well. Making it easy for the potential buyer is the name of the game when selling your iPad. Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. They have been scanning newspapers then out pops off the page your ad with the perfect keywords to get their attention. If your price is right and in their budget, the search is over. They have their iPad and you have your cash; done deal.

So whether you are planning to hit the internet with your iPad or your hometown, don’t forget the importance of getting noticed. It is just like a great resume. If an employer has a stack of them and one catches their eye, that person is getting hired. The purpose of using tags is to get the buyer’s attention over all the other sellers. Using the strategic tag Sell Used iPad will help you do just that. Use it online at auction sites, networking and public marketplaces online and/or in print on flyers or classified ads. You may just be surprised how quickly you get a response.

Related Article:

Lunes, Marso 5, 2012

Will You Get Cash With an iPad Buyback Arrangement?

The iPad 2 is close to a year old, with the first units sold in the US last March 11. This means that if the iPad 3 will be announced, as rumors indicate, on March 7, then it may be available in stores weeks after. This will make the iPad 2 quite old in "Apple years." Current iPad owners now have three options: Be contented and stay put with your current tablet, upgrade to the iPad 3 once it comes out, or get an Asus, Samsung, Acer, or some other tablet.

The third option is not really popular among iPad owners. After all, Apple fans are a loyal bunch, willing to stick to their beloved brand for the long run. Staying put with the iPad 2 may not be that great of an option either, as the iPad 3 is said to contain so many new features that will benefit users, from its retina scan (which was supposed to be included in the iPad 2 but was later removed before production) to the 4G LTE technology that will increase Internet speeds. 

So, people who opted to skip the iPad upgrade because it wasn‘t that different from the original, looking into iPad buyback schemes to get an iPad 3 would be a good idea. Moreover, if you still have a first generation original iPad, it would be a wise idea to let go of it once the iPad 3 drops, because its value will decrease the longer you hold on to it.

What is great about owning an iPad, like any other Apple gadget, is that you won‘t incur a huge loss when you consider iPad buyback or selling methods. iPads have a great resale value, and if you have an IPad 2, which is not even a year old yet, it would likely have depreciated by $100 or less since you bought it, assuming that you took good care of your tablet.

If you want to take advantage of an iPad buyback scheme to get an iPad 3, which will most likely drop by next month, your total investment may be well under $500. This will depend on whether you have decided to give up your unit through an iPad buyback plan or some other method. For some, using an iPad buyback program will be ideal since they are planning to get their new unit from the same store where they bought their old iPad. In an iPad buyback scheme, you will likely be purchasing your new unit from the same store, as you will be given a gift card or voucher for the value of your old iPad. You can, of course, use the discount on your new iPad purchase.

Take note, though, that iPad buyback promos are usually offered by shops to customers who have also bought their old iPad from their store. So, try to see if the store you bought your iPad from has an iPad buyback program. Otherwise, there are other options for getting cash from your iPad, like selling it to websites that specialize in buying old gadgets such as tablets.

Want more?
1. iPad Trade In
2. Trade In iPad