
Lunes, Marso 19, 2012

The New iPad vs. the iPad 3 Rumors (What Was True and What Wasn't) Part One

Since the release of the iPad 2, people have been craning their necks for news and rumors about what‘s next for the iPad series. Fortunately, some big-ass guy leaked information that we should “forget the iPad 2” because what we should look forward to is the iPad 3. From then on, various rumors have been circulating nonstop all over the web regarding Apple‘s nest baby; so much so that iPad original and iPad 2 users were moved to sell old iPad units in anticipation of the iPad 3. Well, surprise, surprise! There is no iPad 3! In this two part article, we‘ll be listing the rumors from different sources from a few months ago until the day before the announcement to see which are true and which are false.

The Name





An article in Gizmodo was quotedousted on March 1 saying that the third generation of iPads would not actually be called iPad 3 but iPad HD instead, since it seems like a perfect match for Apple‘s then-rumored Retina display for the iPad. This was based on a usage data monitoring from iOS, Blackberry OS and Android OS which shows that the term iPad HD has been recurring in their web analytics. This is false, and they‘re not the only ones surprised. While most tech sites are referring to the next iPad as the iPad 3, Apple released a new iPad named “The New iPad.” Hundreds of Twitterers and tech critics, writer and analysts went ballistic especially when Vice President for worldwide marketing, Phil Schiller said, “we don‘t like to be predictable” when the press asked them why they didn‘t change the name to iPad 3 or iPad HD. Is it unoriginal? Possibly. Will it work? A lot of people don‘t think so but we‘ll find out for sure.

The Display 

What people are ready to sell old iPad units for are the rumors of a Retina display working on an iPad. Leaked photos of supposed Retina display samples roamed the web for months saying that the iPad 3‘s screen would be sharper and smoother just like the iPhone 4. It turns out that this report was right. Apple did heed their consumers pleads to make the iPad more revolutionary by adding a huge number of resolutions on the screen, doubling the former iPad‘s screen resolutions and coming up with a 3.1 million pixels packed on a 9.7 inch screen (2048x1536 pixels). That‘s about 264 pixels per inch! At a normal distance, Apple reports that you will not be able to distinguish the pixels.

The Screen Size

There were plenty of rumors that iPad would be trying to compete with the Kindle Fire and the Blackberry Playbook by creating a much smaller iPad 3. A few days before the launch DigiTimes reports of new iPad prototypes that had a 7.85 inch screen were being delivered to Apple and that the production would start by the third quarter of the year. This, apparently, is so false. Despite the fact that Wall Street Journal had sources who confirmed that Apple was trying out smaller screens for the iPad, the New iPad still remains at the 9.7 inch screen size level, one thing we‘re sure would make Steve Jobs happy in his own heaven.

>> Original Post  [The New iPad vs. the iPad 3 Rumors (What Was True and What Wasn't) Part One]
>>  Trade In iPad
>> Sell iPad 16GB

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